271 Thimbles

Premier’s 271 Thimbles are highly wear resistant. They are used on the end of the pushrod of an air chamber which contacts the adjustment shoe in Premier Slack Reducing Couplings.  Model # 271 is standard with all Slack Reducing Couplings. However, we offer multiple model lengths to meet your particular installation specifications.



Model #Part #DescriptionNotes
27110000107Pushrod ThimbleStandard Length (Included w/ ALL Slack Reducing Couplings
271B10000108Pushrod ThimbleOptional Length
271C10000109Pushrod ThimbleOptional Length
271D10000110Pushrod ThimbleOptional Length
271H10000106Pushrod ThimbleOptional Length
271L10000113Pushrod Thimble (271LN Jamnut Incl.)Optional Length
271LN10000114JamnutFor Use With 271L Thimble


Model #Dimensions
2717/8 in. x 2 3/4 in. (22 mm x 70 mm)
271B7/8 in. x 4 3/8 in. (22 mm x 111 mm)
271C7/8 in. x 5 1/2 in. (22 mm x 140 mm)
271D7/8 in. x 6 1/2 in. (22 mm x 165 mm)
271H7/8 in. x 2 1/8 in. (22 mm x 54 mm)
271LN5/8 NF, Plain